Category: Freedom of Speech
Students Merritt Burch and Anthony Vizzone are suing the University of Hawaii for violating their First Amendment rights after school officials prevented them from distributing copies of the U.S. …
What makes someone a terrorist? Should people who express dissenting opinions, who act in a 'confrontational' manner automatically 'domestic terrorists'? The White House seems to think so. Lisa Monaco …
Bill Clinton was right to be paranoid of the right wing using the Internet to expose his and Hillary's crimes. 3 years after the infamous 1995 "conspiracy commerce memo" …
Meet 16-year-old Thrin Short, she's a 'domestic terrorist', according to a petition circulating the campus at the University of California at Santa Barbara which supports a liberal professor who …
UC Santa Barbara professor Mireille Miller-Young, Ph.D, recently physically assaulted a member of a pro-life group named “Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust” while in the process of stealing the …
First Lady Michelle Obama took time out of her busy vacation schedule to stop by Peking University and 'educate' students there about freedom of speech and, strangely, rule of …
Some teens in Kentucky were playing Airsoft when Radcliff police with high-powered rifles arrived in response to a call from a concerned neighbor. After verifying it was only a game …
Goodbye 1st Amendment rights, here comes the United Nations. Last March, ICANN, the Los Angeles-based Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, stated it would relinquish control over domain …
Why did President Obama rewrite the Freedom of Information Act without telling the rest of America? An April 15, 2009, memo from then-White House Counsel Greg Craig instructed the executive branch to let …
In California, students are apparently being taught that they must eliminate or hide signs of their patriotism in fear of reprisals in their own schools! On Thursday the Ninth U.S. …