Category: Freedom of Speech
Veteran Larry Murphfree from Jacksonville, FL was fined $8000 and had a foreclosure lien placed on his home for putting a small American flag in his flowerpot - even though …
In a case of blatant liberal censorship, Woodbury High School in Connecticut is blocking conservative sites, such as GOP sites, NRA, Christian sites, etc., but not blocking sites such …
Decorated Marine Brandon Raub was arrested in 2012 for posting "controversial song lyrics, conspiracy theories related to 9/11 and talk of upcoming revolution" on Facebook. He wasn't charged in …
The state of New Jersey has threatened to take a son away from his parents and place him up for adoption after an incident where the boy twirled a …
43 Democrats in the Senate have signed onto a bill to effectively repeal the First Amendment. This month a cloture motion was introduced in order to stop debate and move …
Baker Jack Phillips was ordered by a judge last year to make cake for gay couples, which Phillips had refused to do because of his religious beliefs. Last month …
Our right freedom of speech in this country is quickly giving way to ´political correctness´. Mainly, conservatives are under attack and in this commentary, Wayne Allyn Root from Personal …
Needville High School in Texas suspended Mason Michelac after his refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance as a protest against big government. “I’m really tired of our …
Wearing or waving the American flag on the wrong day is now blasted as 'racist' and schools are allowed to ban students from displaying the flag on certain days. …
Check out this guy's patriotic paint job. Did he go too far? Share if you'd have done the same if your homeowners ass'n tried that with you. Shared …