Category: Freedom of Religion
Rubio is willing to be politically incorrect by pressing the position that “anyplace where radicals are inspired" should be closed. He made the case last night on Megan …
The Obama administration has directed the military to not allow personnel to say "Christmas", in spite of the holiday's status as a federally-recognized holiday. The reason given by armed forces officials …
In yet another display of tolerant and free-thinking liberal progressiveness, Tim Tai, a journalist for ESPN, was trying to document a Black Lives Matter-led protest on the University of …
Roman Catholic schools in the UK provoked outrage when they announced that they would not teach students about Islam in religious studies courses, opting instead to make lesson plans revolving …
Accused of discrimination, Christian print shop owner Blaine Adamson has been ordered to undergo "diversity training" after refusing to make t-shirts expressing support for gay rights. Surprisingly, business owned …
Coach Joe Kennedy leads by example. Since 2oo8, after each game, he heads to the 50 yard line and says a quick prayer for the school and the football …
In a world where children are being killed by ISIS for refusing to deny their faith, it certainly is alarming that a seventh grade girl in Texas would be …
The Obama administration is picky regarding the Constitution and when it does and doesn't apply to religious freedom. If you're a Christian pharmacist who doesn't want to deliver baby-killing pills to …
The ACLU has it out for Catholic Hospitals who won't go against their Biblical beliefs and perform abortions. One of the largest Catholic health care group, Trinity Health Corporation, has …
Sweet Cakes by Melissa, the bakery renowned for standing for one's religious beliefs, is refusing to pay the $135,000 fine levied by the Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. The gay couple …