Category: Government Programs
Even if you have grown up with a steady diet of horror films, you cannot simply shrug this off. This is real life and death; an inhuman aftermath with …
Virtually all of Obamacare’s health insurance co-ops are in severe financial distress. Never forget this means a double-whammy as Americans must deal with the direct costs of obtaining insurance as …
In the latest undercover Planned Parenthood video released just today, Dr. Savita Ginde is seen speaking with buyers about how to avoid getting caught selling fetal body parts from …
Always on the prowl, the EPA doled out new environmental regulations. One set involves ozone levels, with immediate cries of “foul” about them from the get-go. They are foreseen …
A high school in Seattle, Washington has sparked outrage after having initialed a program IUDs (intrauterine devices) and other forms of birth control in girls as young as 11 …
California Gov. Jerry Brown just signed bill SB 277 into law that requires all schoolchildren attending public or private school to get vaccinated. Parents will no longer have the …
In a landmark 6-3 ruling reached on Thursday, the Supreme Court upheld insurance subsides for Obamacare in every state. The King v. Burwell decision ruled that the federal government …
New Hampshire state Rep. Michael Cahill (D) once asked of his fellow lawmakers that if the budget isn’t going include people with disabilities, then why not euthanize them. “Since we …
According to Dr. Lee Hieb, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and Fox News commentator, Obamacare was designed to force rural hospitals to close. “I …
The federal government will spend $1.993 trillion to implement Obamacare over a decade and take in only $643 billion in new taxes, penalties and fees from the ACA. Ultimately, …