Category: Gun Rights
The mainstream media's contempt for gun owners was on blatant display in an incredibly one-side interview with journalist Katie Couric. Speaking to Matt Lauer on Today, Couric hawked her …
The Second Amendment scored another courtroom win this week, as a federal judge ruled that Washington D.C.'s "good reason" provision is "likely unconstitutional." The rule in question mandated that citizens of …
Hillary loves her gun-toting secret service men, who have protected her for decades, yet she believes everyday Americans don't deserve the right to protect themselves, via gun ownership. In …
The American people have expressed their clear preference for preserving the 2nd Amendment and all citizens rights to own guns of all manner unless there are clear legal reasons …
In yet another example of liberals rejecting a clear Supreme Court decision that the 2nd Amendment really does mean that the right of the people to keep and bear …
There is a question I have pondered in the past, and it is this... Do stupid people know they are stupid? And related to that question is a second... …
It is hard to tell which of the first two amendments to the United States Constitution is under a heavier assault from the left these days. Go to any …
If there is one thing that should make people mad, it is when politicians look them in the eye and lie to them, knowing full well that what they …
Liberals' obsession with raising taxes and gun control is bad enough, but apparently they don't think so, because now they're trying to combine the two. Instead of simply banning …
Liberals like to claim that the Constitution is a "living" document, which sounds positive until you realize that what they mean is that they can twist and bend the …