Category: Finance & Economics
Often those advocating for increased taxes will say it's out of their compassionate heart that they're stealing from others, but when it applies to them they're against taxation. Most …
The demand for a hike in hourly wages is one that's been echoing across the country and heeded by a few with disastrous consequences. For example, the situation with …
Russian President Vladimir Putin has drafted legislation that seeks to eliminate the US dollar and the euro from trade between CIS countries, which would be Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, …
It is an amazing feat of numerical dexterity: the ability to take soaring unemployment numbers and, through tremendous strength of statistical stretching, the government continually culls new, low, unemployment …
When you hear people telling you the economy has made a comeback, you might want to point to the havoc the markets have been sustaining, as the Dow dropped …
In a slap on the forehead, Homer Simpson “Doh” moment, Obama is flying to Vegas to push for more solar energy projects. He still has not learned from all …
Selling crazy is a good market...there always seems to be someone who will buy. That certainly doesn't ring more true than in the belfry of politics. The other thing about …
A couple of ordinary Maryland dairy farmers are actively going after the IRS. And some members of Congress have joined them. Members of the House Ways and Means Oversight …
The End is Near! Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute has just gone on the record with a prediction that there will be a stock market crash by …
The "millennial" generation is supposed to just love Obama. And there are so many reasons why. One, is the overall restructuring of the student aid programs, backed now by the …