Category: Climate Change
The EPA claims its Clean Power Plan will end up saving lives from reducing air pollution, but a new report by a free market energy group warns the agency’s …
"Going green" and the religion of "global warming" are being funded by everyone everyday, even if you aren't a member of that religion. Even if you know the …
Yet another issue we are being told not to debate or question: whether humans are the cause of climate change or if climate change even exists in the way …
According to Climate Change Business Journal, globally climate change costs a staggering $1.5 trillion dollars annually to 'address.' That is the same amount the entire world spends every year …
With the debate over the legitimacy of global warming and what to do about it endlessly raging between democrats and republicans, President Obama is working with the EPA to once …
Unheard of! Unprecedented! Oh No! Temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s in Washington D.C. in August!! It has to be Global Warming – no other possible explanation for it…like …
A new article by a government watchdog group notes the EPA broke federal law by secretly scheming with environmental activists to push the Obama administration’s global warming agenda. They …
Professor Peter Wadhams, Cambridge University's head of Polar Ocean Physics Group, has come forward with astonishing claims. First, he states that three climate change scientists who were investigating climate …
Researchers on board the research vessel, CCGS Amundsen, were headed out to the Artic to study the effects of global warming, but got derailed by...wait for it...too much ice! …
The global warming global cooling climate change agenda is much easier for the public to swallow when reporters offer some evidence, so CBS attempted to do so in a …