Carson takes the lead over Trump, according to IBD/TIPP poll, which has an accurate track record, according to statistics gleaned from the past three presidential elections.
Trump has been “leading every poll and in most cases big” but not anymore, with Carson pulling ahead with 24%, compared to 17% who support Trump. Page two gives more details about the shift in support.
This is an absolute LIE. Stop pushing LIES…!!!!!!!!
Because we have an idiot President. We need one who plans to stop it. Seriously… why make it in America when you have to charge twice the competition? When you can make it in China and compete?
Robert Cooksey Because we have an idiot President. We need one who plans to stop it. Seriously… why make it in America when you have to charge twice the competition? When you can make it in China and compete?
Trump absolutely can’t win , Cruz unfortunately can’t, Carson has the slimmest of chances, but in the end wouldn’t win, Fiorina has a slightly better chance than Carson…but in the end she falls short too…I do not agree with all of his postions, however, the candidate who has the best chance to beat that vile, lying, corrupt deceitful elitist woman is Rubio. And with the Blue Wall of electoral votes already accounted for, Any candidate would have to run the table so even Rubio’s chances are no better than 50/50. The right needs to start thinking in terms of who can win and who has the broadest support, not who says what we want to hear because of how angry we are.
Stand with Rand and get your country and freedom back
I do not believe this. The fact that the media is trying to shove Carson down our throats tells me a lot. But more important, Ben Carson has a strong stand against guns. I see him as a democrat wearing a republican face. WAKE UP REPUBLICANS DO NOT BE TRICKED AGAIN…..WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
I seriously doubt this….close but NO cigar.
i dont who it is as long as i can keep my flag and rights according to the constitution,and be able to pray to my lord without somebody being a hypocrite
Dr. Carson is a good man, but I do not believe he has the stones to do what has to be done.
dont trust carson trust trump carson wil ltkae your guns he is gainst the second amendant we dont need carson he is campagining like obama did all ies to start til l he gets in offfice then watch out people