Carson takes the lead over Trump, according to IBD/TIPP poll, which has an accurate track record, according to statistics gleaned from the past three presidential elections.
Trump has been “leading every poll and in most cases big” but not anymore, with Carson pulling ahead with 24%, compared to 17% who support Trump. Page two gives more details about the shift in support.
Carson is not in the lead. The truth is that Ted Cruz is in the lead. I hate the media propaganda machines.
That depends on the question.
Either one of them is good for me.
Not true
This is a MEDIA lie started by the NY DAILY NEWS own by BLOOMBERG a NY billionair jew
How come his hats are made in China ?
No he dose not. Where are you getting your information.
Carson is anti second ammendment and has a fundamental misunderstanding of our Constitution. “I believe that you should be able to own a gun in the country but not in the city” …this statement disqualifies you.
Go Trump