Round ’em up and deport ’em all! This is the battle cry for the Trump campaign regarding illegal aliens and it rings true for so many Americans.
Yet, Dr. Ben Carson says that it is not practical to “round up” roughly twelve million illegal immigrants and gave his reasons why at the Commonwealth Club.
His reasons may not resonate with all conservatives, but read on the following page and see what you think.
Carson is a softie!!!! Won’t do anything if he is elected!!!
I am sick of hearing what America cant do, we can do it and need to do it NOW.
Its not practical, to do it the way TrAmp thinks it could be “done”.
It may be difficult, and perhaps not practical, but it’s absolutely necessary.
Absolutely agree with Dr. Carson.
The US has done it before with Japanese Interment Camps!
Alan what does color have to do with the office I can not believe we are still dealing with racism in this country!! My Vote is with @[138691142964027:274:Dr. Ben Carson] he is intelligent, has common sense, is inclusive not divisive, believes in the Cons$#%&!@*ution & the rule of law & he can fix what Obama has broken!!
Let’s do both.
I didn’t think it would be practical to him.
Why not!