Round ’em up and deport ’em all! This is the battle cry for the Trump campaign regarding illegal aliens and it rings true for so many Americans.
Yet, Dr. Ben Carson says that it is not practical to “round up” roughly twelve million illegal immigrants and gave his reasons why at the Commonwealth Club.
His reasons may not resonate with all conservatives, but read on the following page and see what you think.
Not my cup of tea… He lost me, now is Cruz and Trump……
Well can you not see who cares about our broke nation . No jobs , and no money to pay for any programs as it it is. This nation runs on taxes, but no jobs , no tax money to pay the bills , but our Congress can’t seem to understand that.
This nation can not afford anymore people on welfare , food stamp and etc.. NO JOBS NO TAX MONEY TO PAY THE WAY.
Not practical but POSSIBLE !!
this guy is not practical at all just another obama stooge
But they can round up every gun and gun owner.
Eisenhower rounded up 1.3 million with only 700+ agents in Operation $#%&!@* and sent them home!
Oh bull
But letting illegal aliens go free works for you hu ?
Ben, You are showing a DUMB SIDE.
“rounding them up” is NOT FEASIBLE, and nobody but the democrats are offering that as the ONLY solution.
Shutting off access to jobs and stopping ALL FUNDING from ALL sources will cause them to self deport or turn themselves in for voluntary deportation.
Letting illegals in and giving them food stamps is foolish.