Round ’em up and deport ’em all! This is the battle cry for the Trump campaign regarding illegal aliens and it rings true for so many Americans.
Yet, Dr. Ben Carson says that it is not practical to “round up” roughly twelve million illegal immigrants and gave his reasons why at the Commonwealth Club.
His reasons may not resonate with all conservatives, but read on the following page and see what you think.
It has to be done. Doesn’t matter if practical or not. They committed a felony and politicians are committing a felony by giving them welfare and food stamps and housing. How much longer are American citizens going to let this go on.
The U.S. being a dumping ground for other nations problems is not practical. It is a catastrophe! We need Trump!
just cut off their welfare check and when they show up to get it going again,, Bam. you gather them up and send them home.
and yet they round up the homeless ??? are there tresp$#%&!@*ing,b/e laws anymore or is that just for natural citizens ??? come home and someone is crashed on your couch claiming to want a better life thru homeowner and you’re supposed to accept it,same goes for illegal border crossing.companies that violate labor laws via non-citizenship and state govt’s that violate the harboring of illegals for profit.If a person can go to jail for harboring a fugitive or interfering with a criminal investigation,then expose the real criminals as enforcement(used loosely).
Stop illegal handouts, Stop wasting tax money.
Very disappointed in you Ben. You’re surrendering before you even start. You are defeated
Yes it is, and it can be done with the help of all the American people. I would love to help get rid of this plague
It’s been done once before and can be done again. Round them up and take them home. Look at the billions of dollars that we pay foreign countries, for every foreigner from each country that we ship back we remove all of the cost of finding, arresting and housing, feeding, and clothing them and their air fare home as well. That’s how we do it. Dr. Carson I like you and want to vote for you but this stance is a no go for me. The world is a big place they should stay in their own lands, fight for freedom and peace their if that’s what they want and win their own countries back. Not come here and try to make their dreams come true via our welfare system, we already have enough pups on ol’ Shep.
We don’t have to round them up. Most of them end up in our jails anyway.