Round ’em up and deport ’em all! This is the battle cry for the Trump campaign regarding illegal aliens and it rings true for so many Americans.
Yet, Dr. Ben Carson says that it is not practical to “round up” roughly twelve million illegal immigrants and gave his reasons why at the Commonwealth Club.
His reasons may not resonate with all conservatives, but read on the following page and see what you think.
You don’t have to round up anybody. P$#%&!@* laws, anybody caught hiring an illegal knowingly pays 500000 dollar fine. I force border security, deport as cought. Then insentivise going to Mexico and applying for legal residency, shorten the waiting time. Make it just a few months for the current illegals if they admit their status and leave they can come back sooner as legal residents, if they break any laws they lose status. Those who don’t admit status and contine living in the US will not be allowed to apply for legal residency for 10 years. Even of they stay they wouldn’t be able to work or get welfare bennifits, or vote, wich legally they cant. Sanctuary cities would be illegal, and unfunded. No door to door raids, the bad one would be cought as they do bad stuff, the good ones take the deal, the others go back to mexico. Republican become the people who solved the problem. Without violence. #takeourcountryback
Not voting for him. He to is a pitz
IT is to practical get rid of the illegals and MUSLIMS
Get rid of the number one Muslim OBUM.
Intelligent and sensible.
Take away all of their freebies.
Yes it is! Further if you don’t believe it can be done you are not Presidential material!
I disagree. Deport as many as possible.
Teddy Roosevelt did it, Franklin D Roosevelt did it, Dwight W. Eisenhower did it , so tell me why it can’t be done with modern day electronic equipment, if we can find a rock formation on Mars or a drone can find a terrorist in a Chevy truck in the middle of a desert, why can’t we find every illegals in this country today deport them with their anchor children?
In the long term let’s say 10 year span, it’s alot more exspencive to let them stay.