Round ’em up and deport ’em all! This is the battle cry for the Trump campaign regarding illegal aliens and it rings true for so many Americans.
Yet, Dr. Ben Carson says that it is not practical to “round up” roughly twelve million illegal immigrants and gave his reasons why at the Commonwealth Club.
His reasons may not resonate with all conservatives, but read on the following page and see what you think.
Lets give it a good try.
Wishey Washey soft spoken mommies boy.
oh yes it is and it is a needed thing that has to hapen thats justa a plain simple fact of life it is cheaper to round em all up and deprot them than it is to let them stay here, I mean if carson wants to pay for them all out of his own pocket he needed to re=evalute his position on this
try over 90% of Middle Eastern
which is why i stand with trump, all of the others seem to have one or more of the major isues that they do not sem to want to bring to an end and they al have to end
He’s got that right!!
Bill Waterbury since you like Carson so much… some good reading for you
Trump says he’s going to fix things, but offers no way to do it. A wall? Lol
Deny them jobs & housing and they will leave on their own.
Use boxcars and prison ships.