Round ’em up and deport ’em all! This is the battle cry for the Trump campaign regarding illegal aliens and it rings true for so many Americans.
Yet, Dr. Ben Carson says that it is not practical to “round up” roughly twelve million illegal immigrants and gave his reasons why at the Commonwealth Club.
His reasons may not resonate with all conservatives, but read on the following page and see what you think.
Then if you can’t do the job drop out of the race ,
I agree but there should be teeth in the law for anyone employing them.
I hate that, lost my vote
I think we should keep electing Republicans and Democrats to office,s witching back and forth between the years, and see where that takes us in the future.
If the USA can nopt enforce the Law, Who and what are We???
If me and all my friends decided to steal from the corner convenience store every day, and we talked more and more into doing the same across the country growing in numbers all the time, at what point would the public say that it is okay and should just be accepted as something the paying consumer should expect to have to pay for. Too many to arrest so why try, right? Just let it happen. If we made it a felony to be here illegally, and actually gave those we catch a one or two year minimum sentence without possibility of early release and immediate deportation upon release and double their previous sentence each consecutive time we catch them here, then I believe many would self deport before being caught costing tax payers $0.00. This would greatly reduce the number we have to find, prosecute, incarcerate and deport. This would make this whole ” How can we deport 11 million people ” problem a lot easier and affordable.
It might not be practical…but it has to be done!!! Listen, if our elected officals would have followed the laws of this great country, secured the border, and didn’t just let them in, simply because they made it to the border….we would not have 11-20 million illegals in this country right now that we have to deal with! If the people in charge would have traced the over stayed visas, and fined companies who hire illegals….we wouldn’t be here now!!! NOW our elected officals HAVE to deal with them, and they say….we can’t! YES YOU CAN…one at a time, start with reverify at the places of employment, and cutting off ALL welfare programs to illegals! Deport them if they have any interaction with the police, even if it is just a traffic stop….CLOSE that anchor baby loop hole, or make it more clear that it DOES NOT apply to people in the country illegaly! Stop making illegals feel comfortable living here….make them go back into the shadows…with no job…no welfare, maybe they will leave on their own!!!!!!
What does he think we should with them? They are destroying our country and the powers that be do nothing. Well you have had your time and we see what you plan on doing. NOTHING, well MR. TRUMP will do a great deal and that’s what we need
He’s absolutely right about this one.
practical or not—its illegal!!