Round ’em up and deport ’em all! This is the battle cry for the Trump campaign regarding illegal aliens and it rings true for so many Americans.
Yet, Dr. Ben Carson says that it is not practical to “round up” roughly twelve million illegal immigrants and gave his reasons why at the Commonwealth Club.
His reasons may not resonate with all conservatives, but read on the following page and see what you think.
Trump is a dreamer, but he’s basically making sense. I could care less what any one of you simple Trump minions think!
Fema can handle it
It is cheaper than keeping them and givmg them welfare and food stamps and free health care.
Maybe not practical, but try and see where it takes us. We all know that dumber things have been tried
What is practical letting them stay and live off welfare ? We have plenty of Americans out of jobs we don’t need people from other country’s coming and taking whatever jobs that become available .
He is no different then all the other sell outs already in office when he starts talking about getting rid of the federal reserve and deporting all illegals then maybe I might think different about him but until then he is just blowing hot air like all the others do??
well Mr. Carson was my choice for president , but he already has shown a willingness to give up to easy , has to be a better answer then just let them keep comming while so many are out of work
Less than a week ago there was statements made about how the special interest groups and donors and the Republican establishment as well as the democratic party establishments stated we are going to take trump out why they are scared but what gets me is how easy the voters are so easily blind sided with these attacks but then they start to question trump let’s see Ben Carson Carly Jindal jeb Lindsey Christie etc this week have all ganged up and attacked now question who is not controlled by the big money in Washington of all the candidates in this election hmm not to hard to figure huh who has been instructed to attack trump hmm who hasn’t attacked him Cruz why cause Cruz is genuine let’s hope his donors don’t call in there favors also but folks the facts are this is the system that the big money use to benefit them they don’t give millions to get pennies don’t get caught up in this shell game that they are trying to orchestrate all we need to remember is TRUMP CAN’T BE CONTROLLED BY MONEY! KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE! PRESIDENT TRUMP 2016!
I can’t support this guy
Fire all illigals and stop welfare and food stamps and they will deport them selves they can’t live here without money