Dr. Ben Carson argued today at the Commonwealth Club that the mantra “let’s just round them all up and ship them back” is not feasible. He said that the twelve million illegal immigrants living here can not be rounded up and deported because it would cripple the United States in various industries like farming and lodging.
Carson said, “You have to turn off the spigot that dispenses goodies, including employment. If there is nothing to come for, then people won’t come. That will stop the influx. You still have to deal with the people who are here already. And you know, it sounds really cool you know, ‘Let’s just round them all up and ship them back.’ People who say that have no idea what it would entail in terms of our legal system—the cost—forget about it. And plus, where are you going to send them? So that’s, you know, a double whammy.”
Do you fall on the side of “round ’em up and ship ’em out”? Or do you see this as being unfeasible and are willing to find a workable solution? Two perspectives, both worthy on their own merits, yet which one will work best for the economy?
Source: Breitbart
It makes perfect practical sense to me. First they need to stop the free flow of illegal immigrants into our country. Then they can over a period of time remove all those who are undesirable.
This is why Trump is still pretty much the best candidate.
Then he has not business in the white house.
And yet another candidate caves to political correctness…
Not by doing it all at once.Remember there is all ways more than one way to skin that dam old $#%&!@* cat.
That is why Carson is a “no can do” type of person who will shuffle his feet and not get much accomplished. More talk, talk, talk.