As Barack Obama contines to tout the virtues of his supposedly “strong” economy, American industry is continuing to call his bluff. As the prospects of American business continue to decline in an economy marred by red tape and regulation, many companies are packing up and moving down south. No, not to southern states with friendlier business taxes, further south, to Mexico, where they have the freedom to remain competitive in an increasingly shrinking market in the United States.
Beyond the rhetoric and talking points, this is a true litmus test for the state of the American economy. GDP is not growing, and running businesses is getting more expensive as a result of liberal tax policy and laws that intend to help employees, but end up hurting the businesses for which they work so badly they end up losing their jobs altogether.
Obama’s economy is not working. Continue reading on the next page to see the proof:
Trump is right Mexico is the new China .
Obama land ship out our jobs
Ford did.
Of course!
Obamanomics in action.
Yes and I own the London bridge.
This is the fault of the communist-democrats and the useless republicans who are ruthless with their abuse of the tax and spend system…They tax you, to give to those that don’t work or to the illegals. Case in point, CHUCK Grassly of IOWA a useless republican, who just changed his comments to show how strong he is..BUT, he has his head up McConnell’s$#%&!@* this show of strength in his comments is for the foolish voters who will believe him. LOOK AT HIS HISTORY< HE IS A this phony out and vote in someone new, fresh and honest....look at the track record, not what they say......In the real world this is called a can get a cheaper one for better results.
OH yea, didn’t Trump brag Ford was moving back to the US, with the highest corporate taxes in the world????
Trump plans to tax the$#%&!@*out of these a$$ holes
Time to tax the$#%&!@*out of them we need to make it costly for them