American jobs are moving to Mexico, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Carrier announced a decision to move at least 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico.
The heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration system (HVAC) company will begin the process in 2017 and hopes to complete everything by 2019.
Carrier “employs 50,000 people in more than 180 countries.” They chose to close the Indianapolis operation because of cost.
Chris Nelson, Carrier’s president of HVAC systems and services for North America, published this statement:
This move is intended to address the challenges we continue to face in a rapidly changing HVAC industry, with the continued migration of the HVAC industry to Mexico, including our suppliers and competitors, and ongoing cost and pricing pressures driven, in part, by new regulatory requirements.
But Carrier isn’t the only group planning to move shop south of the border. Even Ford, an iconic American industry, is planning to make the move to Mexico as well.
According to the Journal’s report, Ford is planning around $1 billion to build a new vehicle-assembly complex in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi, and to expand an existing factory near Mexico City. The plants are expected to be up and running in time to add about 500,000 units of production starting in 2018.
These moves will more than double the company’s existing production capacity in Mexico. Ford built about 433,000 vehicles in Mexico in 2015, representing 14% of its North American production.
These moves haven’t been confirmed by Ford. But if the Journal’s report is on target, Ford will follow up a $2.5 billion investment that it announced last April in new engine and transmission plants in the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Guanajuato.
This shows that the policy of over-taxation is one that does nothing but damage the American economy. By trying to raise revenue by rising taxes,the American government only shrinks the economy they are taxing, which then would require them to raise taxes again to make up the difference. Its a dangerous circle, and we’re beginning to circle the drain.
Watch as 1,400 workers are told their jobs are getting shipped out of the country:
Carrier was awarded $5 million in Obama stimulus funds, but denies actual receipt:
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Feb. 15, 2016) – The company that announced plans last week to move hundreds of jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico was awarded millions of dollars in federal stimulus money.
Carrier Corporation said Wednesday that it would move 1,400 jobs from its west side Indianapolis facility to Monterrey, Mexico.
The Department of Energy awarded the company 5.1 million in clean tax credits in December 2013. The money, part of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan, was for expanding production at the facility:
Carrier Corporation will expand production at its Indianapolis facility to meet increasing demand for its eco-friendly condensing gas furnace product line. The new line includes the most energy efficient gas furnaces on the market – all with at least 95 percent annual fuel utilization efficiency.
However, Carrier said in a statement that it did not claim the tax credit:
We have not received and will not claim the $5.1 million federal tax credit. We are evaluating other grants and credits that have been awarded and will not retain or claim any credits for obligations that have not been met.
Source: Fox News
I truly hope the American public wake up and do not buy from these traitors anymore, nothing!
This is a Trump con… Like I told people when the announcement was made… Carrier will not be moving… Why? Because Trump is using the company as a way to gain votes. That’s right, you guys are being used. Trump will ride in on his shiny horse and save the day and making himself look good. Remember he’s a performer and actor.
This is a Trump con… Like I told people when the announcement was made… Carrier will not be moving… Why? Because Trump is using the company as a way to gain votes. That’s right, you guys are being used. Trump will ride in on his shiny horse and save the day and making himself look good. Remember he’s a performer and actor.
You can say what you want the Obama administration has done nothing but ship jobs out of this country but people like you because he is black stick up for him and don’t believe he’s done nothing wrong this guy has done nothing but destroy this country and he has done nothing for black people where is all your jobs they rather have you on welfare than working