Carly Fiorina has been under intense pressure following her jaw dropping statement at the debate, were she challenged Hillary Clinton to view “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”
Planned Parenthood activists all clad in pink, one dressed up like a birth control pill pad (at least they left the vagina costume at home), caught up with Carly at a football tailgate party in Iowa.
Flinging condoms at the candidate, one activists broke through the crowd, dressed in black (must be the leader), and commenced spewing questions, “Why do you not support women?” she screamed. Carly, calm, but very forcefully, said “I am a woman, mam!”
The Planned Parenthood woman then started on the “video” which was “fake” and that she had lied! “How could you lie about that?” Carly stood her ground. This is just one example of the “Carly lied” meme that the left has been using to disprove a very graphic video, showing a live birth, and the baby placed on a metal tray. This video, has left the liberals dizzy with the need to discredit it, and discredit Carly Fiorina.
how the liberals were proven wrong next page
The most cruel thing imaginable made me literally sick.God have mercy on the souls of these murderers.Hideous crimes.
How can any human being especially a DR that took an oath to save lives, murder these babies? Please do not tell me how bad terrorist are when they take a human life when people are killing their own children. Killing is the same whether its labelled abortion or terrorism.
Franklin Ben Strickland Michelle Ackerman
What’s rediculous about it? I’d like to hear your thoughts.
So this is now black lives matter. This is murder! Plan parenthood should not receive our tax dollars. Every member of congress who voted to continue funding plan parenthood should be removed from office.
It’s strange that we are just now finding out about something so sinister. Or perhaps it’s simply political.
God will send many to Hell
They’re just scum!!!!
A disgrace to humanity.