Detroit Police and federal authorities are charging Brandon Lamar Williams, 24, with a series of crimes including armed robbery for attacking two white men in a Ford Fusion last Tuesday.
Williams actually stated that he will only rob white people….Black Lives Matters has affected criminals!
Read more of this hilarious clown on the next page.
Robin (stinkin) Hood Il
Going to get shot by white people too
Isn’t that special, maybe that’s why are prisons are not reflective of the racial percentages of the general population!
Your sick.
Always carry a gun and keep it loaded and chamberd.
Guess no more for right now dude.
Stop the divide and conquer tactics of this government. Abolish all hate for one another. People just need to respect one another. No one is above another.
Not this guys.
Finally, an honest carjacker.
Stupid and they call the whites racist.. I am Glad that every black person doesn’t think like him and that goes for the whites too .. We have some stupid white people also..