Detroit Police and federal authorities are charging Brandon Lamar Williams, 24, with a series of crimes including armed robbery for attacking two white men in a Ford Fusion last Tuesday.
Williams actually stated that he will only rob white people….Black Lives Matters has affected criminals!
Read more of this hilarious clown on the next page.
Thanks….love you my sista!!!
Love you too!!!!
Love you too sis!!
Love you too sis!!!
@[560677790:2048:Sylvia Powell Pritchett], it won’t let me continue with our “discussion”, but I love you too my sista!!!!
He won’t be charged with a hate crime. That happens only to white people.
That’s why I have cow
We DO want to thank louisa Farrakon for inspiring you to violate “cracker” rights by robbing them. You think this brings Honor & Dignity to your RACE? Do you think employers want to hire Blacks when you THUGS continue to act thusly? Your action of robbing whitey does not serve you well nor your purposes advanced. It’s just another black-mark against your RACE. If you want Respect, then show EVERYone Respect, NOT just Blacks. We do want to thank Common Core’s FAILURE & your hapless parents for flunking to raise a child to be responsible. You have proven to be a Successful Failure.
I know you love me~and that does my heart good, look at how LONG we have been friends, since the forth grade of school ~at cory~wow. love our house on Hoke and you living across the street, then both of us moving to the same street again, at different ends of the street…oh those scrumptious plum trees~green plums to really ripe yummpy, and cartwheels for hours to work them off LOL..good night sis~