With a background in many denominations, Rubio is a deeply spiritual man who sees the importance of religion in society. Raised in a Catholic family, he became involved in other forms of Christianity later in life.
He grew up Roman Catholic, though at one point the family tried Mormonism. Rubio says that didn’t feel right.
“As I got more theologically aware and more engaged and learning about Catholicism, I wanted to go back and so we did,” Rubio recalled. “I did first communion on Christmas Day in 1984. That was probably in 7th or 8th grade.”
As a young adult, Rubio admits he fell away from his faith so his wife started attending a Baptist church. They went there for a number of years, but eventually Rubio felt a tug back to his Catholic roots.
“In an ironic way, the more I learned about the written Word, the more I fell in love with the Roman Catholic teachings and we ended up going back to that church,” he told CBN News.
“And so today we’re in a place where we are Roman Catholics, fully aligned with the theology and the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church – but also with a tremendous appreciate for, and often interaction with our brothers and sisters in Christ who attend other denominations,” he said.
Equipped with a sincere spiritual view of the world and a knowledge of the importance of religion, Rubio warns of the growing hostility towards the Christian faith in the near future.
“If you think about it, we are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech,” Rubio told CBN News. “Because today we’ve reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage you are labeled a homophobe and a hater.”
“So what’s the next step after that?” he asked.
“After they are done going after individuals, the next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity, the catechism of the Catholic Church is hate speech and there’s a real and present danger,” he warned.
Aware of the increasing levels of political correctness in today’s society, and its growing support by local and federal government, Rubio warns us that unless we act now and stand up for our faiths, these faiths may soon wind up in museums and not in our households.
Source: Christian Broadcasting Network
The First Amendment guarantees our right to express ourselves, whether you call it hate speech or not. Ridiculous to think anyone should be able to stop someone else from speaking just because it’s offensive.
The constitution does not guarantee a right to be not offended.
I’m not racist
I hate everyone
Yes the fact that Rubio suggests this totally makes it true be sure to freak out about the government taking away your religious freedom.
f*ck political correctness, it ain’t doing us a bit of good
No different than the rest of the presidents.
Heterophobic terror ism is hate.
This one is devil blessed…or possessed
Doesn’t surprise me…