People wondering what expanded gun control in the US will look like need only look to Canada.
Although liberals are eager to point to Canada as some bastion of “common-sense” gun legislation (as opposed to “nonsensical” legislation), a news anchor from our northern neighbor tells a very different story. Addressing American viewers directly, Brian Lilley warns them against accepting government proposals for a national registry for gun owners.
He explains that when Canada first introduced the database, many opposed since it could be used to keep track of and seize law-abiding gun owners’ weapons, but the authorities dismissed these concerns and went through with it anyway.
Turn to the next page for video of Lilley’s distubring account:
Milwaukee is historically a Democrat run city, right? You’re surprised it is burning down?
Canada i would worry about the rejects from Hokey Wood…like Rosie O’Donnell and Woopsi Goldturd. They will be moving up there soon. And Rosie can eat horse for a snack. Better grow more food and worry about feeding you people and stay your warnings!
Ask Connecticut how gun registry went HAHAHAHA! FU Obama!
Why does the rest of the world get it??? But the demosheep don’t.
They can go suck a hand grenade
Lose the 2nd amendment=losing the rest of the constitution. Keep those guns and keep em clean
We know about his funny plan
No he isn’t.
Won’t work.
Registration is the first step in confiscation