While refugees struggle to seek shelter in any country that will have them due to the terrorist image that follows them, what kind of sense does it make for these refugees to begin their new life by calling for the destruction of the very country hosting them?
In this case, Syrian refugees arriving in Canada are giving praise and thanks to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for opening his heart and “spreading the love,“ seen in the video on the next page.
What kind of love specifically? Well, good ole’ jihadists love of course, just like everyone refusing to host refugees suspects they have.
Shaban Sherif Mady has a record of giving pro-ISIS hate speeches for Muslim refugees arriving in Canada, and after praising Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for removing the suspicion that terrorism is related to Islam, is it possible that Trudeau is openly welcoming radical Islamics into Canada?
Find out on page two.
are the Canadians really going to be that stupid
You’ll be sorry canada.
Islam is not a religion but a ideology much like Hitlers seeking world domination
To their demise and at their own peril!
Yes, Canada makes stupid decisions, but it could be worse. I mean, its not as if Canadians were so stupid to vote in Obama … TWICE! That is just a permanent mark of proof of who is the sumbest nation in the world! And that can not be argued.
Bill Linville that is not accurate. America is being destroyed by every single tax payer and voter. There are those who vote idiots into power, and then there are the idiots that do nothing but whine about it on Facebook.
Bunch of ignorant idiots. Americans have been the complete laughing stock of the entire world for several years! Americans vote a Muslim into power and then they do nothing but whine about it on Facebook everyday. All Americans do is vote, complain, and wait til they get to embarass themselves at the polls again next time. Absolute laughing stocks! By the way, Florida is filled with illegal Mexicans and Muslims, and the illegal population is building faster by the day. Canada’s Muslim problem is nothing compared to the mass amounts of rapes that will start any day now in the US. Americans are pros at pointing out the little flaws in every other nation, yet they have not made a single positive decision in decades!
Think about it people. They are flooding us with all these Islamic rejects, our neighbors too, then they cry Allah Akbar and pounce on us after the liberal anti second amendment fools dos- arm us
Obama listens to C.A.I.R. Wake up USA.
Don’t these IDIOTS in Canada realize THEY will be killed also????