Oh Canada. Those poor people have been about twenty years further down the socialist/leftist path as long as I’ve been alive, and it’s truly coming home to roost now.
This latest indignity is how their recent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has begun shifting Canadian military forces off their bases, in order to give Muslim rapefugees the soldiers’ housing. Completely ignoring the fact that Canadian soldiers have served with honor and distinction in every major war fought since Korea, what gives this self righteous, self aggrandizing, pompous twit of a Prime Minister the moral authority to expel Canadian military personnel from their homes in order to turn those homes over to illiterate, murderous, rapists and jihadis?
Does this sound incredible and unbelievable to you? Continue to the next page to see shocking video proof of this disturbing development.
Build a northern wall.
I say we offer these soldiers a place to stay on our bases and let them join a military that is proud to have them and their service
That’s trudeau for you
This is a good idea
Immigrants are immigrants. Do you really want Canadians taking over our country with their hockey and their overbearing politeness? They don’t speak American and add “eh” to every sentence! Bunch of moose loving, ice sliding hooligans!
That may be true Kelly but they haven’t beheaded any moose so far as I’ve heard. Lol
Better yet as the Canadians come here we send all our refugees there. We will we come our new Immigrates and Trudeau get s to feel good about being so open and inclusive. The Canadian immigrants will have a much easier time assimilating including with language, education and job skills. Trump and America win and Trudeau is happy.
I’m in
I hope they don’t kick their soldiers to HERE… ?