Oh Canada. Those poor people have been about twenty years further down the socialist/leftist path as long as I’ve been alive, and it’s truly coming home to roost now.
This latest indignity is how their recent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has begun shifting Canadian military forces off their bases, in order to give Muslim rapefugees the soldiers’ housing. Completely ignoring the fact that Canadian soldiers have served with honor and distinction in every major war fought since Korea, what gives this self righteous, self aggrandizing, pompous twit of a Prime Minister the moral authority to expel Canadian military personnel from their homes in order to turn those homes over to illiterate, murderous, rapists and jihadis?
Does this sound incredible and unbelievable to you? Continue to the next page to see shocking video proof of this disturbing development.
O’ Canada…you didn’t see this coming???
Get ready my Canook friends you folks voted in a bunch of leftist scum also so get ready for the whirlwind of chaos and injustice
Way to go Canada you bunch of assholes. Of course i know it’s coming here also.
You assholes voted in Hussein Obama 8 years before we (not including me) voted in Justin the twit. Only 38% of Canadian voters voted in our twit while over half of yours voted in Hussein twice.
They do not see, what is going on in Europe!!!!! Are they blind or just ignorant?!!!!!
The thing is too our media is now censored to the hilts( even though they claim not). We see no bad stories about Muslims and have to look at news from outside of Canada to get what’s really going on. There has been things I have tried to google to reference to and that won’t even show up on searches any more. We never got any stories about that drowned boys father being a human smuggler that really got the boy killed, just that when that family came over (yay) he decide to stay behing as protest. Meanwhile truth was he was on trail for human smuggling. I can’t even find the name of the Ottawa guy who was caught x2 by rcmp supporting ISIS and couldn’t make charges stick. Any story that comes up about refugees is how much they suffered and how we need to help them.Canada is very divided on the issue. Lots are media sheep that believe every fluffy bunny story and can’t even fathom these people doing anything wrong. It’s very scary!
Who voted for this guy?!!! You screwed yourselves!!!!!
such B******T
Noone ever said they were smart!
My suggestion is for the army to rise up against the head muslim in charge.