Oh Canada. Those poor people have been about twenty years further down the socialist/leftist path as long as I’ve been alive, and it’s truly coming home to roost now.
This latest indignity is how their recent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has begun shifting Canadian military forces off their bases, in order to give Muslim rapefugees the soldiers’ housing. Completely ignoring the fact that Canadian soldiers have served with honor and distinction in every major war fought since Korea, what gives this self righteous, self aggrandizing, pompous twit of a Prime Minister the moral authority to expel Canadian military personnel from their homes in order to turn those homes over to illiterate, murderous, rapists and jihadis?
Does this sound incredible and unbelievable to you? Continue to the next page to see shocking video proof of this disturbing development.
I agree Glenn!
listen gentlemen… I agreed that the base housing was their home. Why do you keep acting as if I did not? I merely stated that at the current time at least the government there was not removing people from their personal property that is owned by them. It is wrong in either case.
That is not fair cause not all Muslims are bad some are good people
No they didn’t!! I mean really????? How can this be happening????
Always knew them canucks were not to bright .
I just don’t get it, Trudeau, Merkel and Obama. It’s as if all country leaders have turned on their own people.
Disgracefully. ABSOLUTELY.
. We bend over backwards for these muslim bastards .. They should be sent home, DEPORTED.