I remember when I was fifteen, my father was bitten by a venomous snake. We thought it was just a bull snake, but it turned out to be a rattlesnake, and it might have turned out differently if we had known how to spot the baby rattlers that are common in Utah, where I grew up. Still, baby snakes are difficult to detect.
Sometimes it is difficult to I.D. which type of snake you have encountered, especially if you haven’t learned about the common ones, or studied their identifying features. Whether you’re bugging out or just on a hike when you discover a snake, or he discovers you, there’s no telling what may happen next if you don’t have a little bit of knowledge.
Most snakes are not venomous, but the one that bit my dad happened to be. Wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry and be confident you know which snake you are dealing with, just in case?
Certainly, venom can mean trouble, but even a bit from a non-venomous snake can present a threat. The largest threat to someone bitten by a snake is usually that the wound may become infected with the bacteria from the snake’s mouth. In other words, once get bit that bacteria is now on your skin and in the wound. With a venomous snake, even a small bite can cause the area around the wound to swell up a lot, and of course the venom can cause much more severe problems, so treat any snake with caution and respect.
On the next page learn how to identify the first snake on our list, the copperhead snake. You’ll learn where you may see this venomous snake slithering, too.
Then continue to learn about more venomous snakes. Doing so you may just save a life, possibly your own:
Don’t forget the snow snake no mouth and no eyes but is amongst the world’s deadliest snake!!!!!
Ovomit, Warren,pelosi, killery
So your saying you are an idiot? Saw your profile totally agree
Eric Roza
Venomous or not snakes don’t bother me, I’m quite used to handling them. I’ve never been bitten by a venomous snake or spider, I only have issue with the blood sucking parasites buzzing around. Snakes play a vital role in controlling the rodent population. I’d much rather have snakes and spiders in my garden, at least they aren’t going to sample my stock.
You left out liberal snakes . They are not poisonous just , talk ,$#%&!@*, compliant , riot , lie , con , tax , cheat , and procrastinate you to death , worst than venomous snake.
Elizabeth Higgins
no problem and no fear!
American Diamondback, American
Hillary, nancy, maxine, pocahontas, Elizabeth, & Loretta