Professor Peter Wadhams, Cambridge University’s head of Polar Ocean Physics Group, has come forward with astonishing claims.
First, he states that three climate change scientists who were investigating climate change in the Arctic were likely assassinated by a hit squad working for the oil industry or the government.
The reason for his speculation is because the deaths, although all ruled accidents, were suspiciously ‘clustered together’.
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Maybe The Almighty was pissed at their continual lying ?
Granted, it’s an unusual cluster- but anyone remotely familiar with statistics knows this is not impossible. Cyclists get hit by cars far too often, so absent any other suspect factors, it’s not reasonable to presume something nefarious there. Pushing someone downstairs is hardly a certain way to kill them and unless you’re a Norse god how the fluff do you strike someone with lightening? The extractive industries did , in fact launch a disinformation campaign to discredit climate science. This is known and documented . They did not need to break any laws to do it, they simple produced specious ,spun , findings and released them to a scientifically illiterate public and used the media to convince them that they’re being jerked around…by someone else, that is. Look better than 95% of climatologists agree that anthropogenic climate change is a reality. It took next to nothing for industries with a stake in things not changing to convince a wide swath of scientifically illiterate people to believe that THEY know more than most of the trained experts in the field, and to vote accordingly. Further- this disinformation campaign has lead to climatologists being harassed and threatened by these know-it-all skeptics . in the current political climate, I could imagine a lone fanatic going over the line, but lone fanatics don’t tend to be particularly publicity shy or discrete in their methods. They also are ‘lone fanatics” with some kin d of messianic or quasi messianic self-identification with a cause -which by definition, pretty well excludes them from a conspiratorial association….
now we can build the pipeline for the koch brothers.
the koch brothers need that pipeline. a victory for clean coal.
And what is more shocking is that probably 90+% find it not hard to believe.
Tin foil hat cutting off circulation to the brain?
need to read a book called state of fear it may change your mind about climate change. it’s by the same author that wrote Jurrasic Park
Mother nature needs to get rid of the the problem on this planet.Most of the humane raceand she will.
Of course the one struck by lightening was the obvious!
Yeah and we didn’ land on the moon, the Mafia killed Kennedy, and I was abducted by aliens in a farm field!