Professor Peter Wadhams, Cambridge University’s head of Polar Ocean Physics Group, has come forward with astonishing claims.
First, he states that three climate change scientists who were investigating climate change in the Arctic were likely assassinated by a hit squad working for the oil industry or the government.
The reason for his speculation is because the deaths, although all ruled accidents, were suspiciously ‘clustered together’.
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Yes, everyone’s knows the the death squads are using lightening know to kill as many people per year as hit the lottery
Yes, everyone knows that the deaths squads are using lightening to kill just as many people as those people who hit the lottery
That’s what happens when you don’t do what federal gov wants you to do. Stupid liberals and democrats who believe and try and push such a foolish thing
They should have been tried for heresy.
But skeptics are the ones that believe crazy conspiracies
odd coincidence is all! So the government learned how to control lightening? I’ve known a lot of dump truck drivers and can see how that occurred so that leaves a New Years eve party. What’s the odds of someone falling down a flight of stairs after drinking? Jade Helm 13 anyone?
What a load of steaming manure.
he’s off his meds
I’ll agree something is going on right now but isn’t man made! Our magnetic poles are at their lowest ever in magnetism which is the force that keeps sun rays and other things from breaking into the atmosphere. They’ve just noticed two areas in the pacific where temps are warmer. Duh! What happens the sun can easily break through the barrier? Heats up like the pacific and what’s happening in Russia. NASA sent four satellites up last year to study the re-connection of the sun’s poles which they believe will actually flip. Real interesting reading if you ever want to get into it.
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