Professor Peter Wadhams, Cambridge University’s head of Polar Ocean Physics Group, has come forward with astonishing claims.
First, he states that three climate change scientists who were investigating climate change in the Arctic were likely assassinated by a hit squad working for the oil industry or the government.
The reason for his speculation is because the deaths, although all ruled accidents, were suspiciously ‘clustered together’.
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Well how about a friend of mine who was a NASA scientist who would not adjust his findings to fit the climate change narrative they were promoting so he resigned. I think he might just be smarter than you!
Somebody thinks to much of themselves. Bull.
Oh, Horseshit!
Need this to catch the gas
This man made climate change has always been about money , redistribution and a new world order.
The government will do anything to perpetuate the lie of climate change and that includes murder or tax you to death.
I really don’t think Mobil oil can control a bolt of lightning # 2 was struck by a bolt of lightning and you are blaming it on the oil industry
The global warming people need to divert attention away from the facts. Nobody can honestly define the climate “norm”, nor can they point to a time climate didn’t change.
Truth in Action is one of the most inaccurate sites I’ve ever seen.
Please people do not belive what you read on the Internet!