Professor Peter Wadhams, Cambridge University’s head of Polar Ocean Physics Group, has come forward with astonishing claims.
First, he states that three climate change scientists who were investigating climate change in the Arctic were likely assassinated by a hit squad working for the oil industry or the government.
The reason for his speculation is because the deaths, although all ruled accidents, were suspiciously ‘clustered together’.
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Assassination by lightning?
Climate change is nothing more than a hoax perpetrated on the people..
Hmmm. Sounds like he was on the ice and away from reality too long.
Bull shut,they long came to conclusions the liberal delete dodnt like and was silenced to keep the scam going
Darn auto correct
Climate change is the result of what our sun and our planets in the solar system is going throug as the part of space our Solar system is in passes through the Galactic Equator where the Gravametric and Torsion Field forces emitimg from Galactic Central Point is strongest. Match your Geological record with the times in the past we passed through a d you will find changes in climate and in rotating bodies like our earth match up. Most of these happened before we pathetic Humans walked this planet so get over yourself and realize there are forces that effect is we have no control over
And the sky can fall
Was it Al Gore?