Hillary Clinton is doing what she does best. She uses her status as a Clinton to evade one scandal, then finds herself in the midst of another right away. It may be the one thing she does better than her husband.
The former first lady may have escaped indictment for her use of a private email server, but in doing so she committed yet another federal crime. When James Comey announced that the FBI would not recommend charges against Clinton, he paired the announcement with a laundry list of lies that she had made to the American people during the investigation.
As it turns out, some of those lies were made while under oath.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because this is the very situation Bill Clinton found himself in after he lied to congress about his relationship with Monica Lewinski.
The Clintons can’t seem to keep their mouths shut. They’re handed every opportunity and immunity, then wind up back in trouble because they’ve learned nothing. And why would they? They get away free every time.
See the charges Hillary is facing on the next page:
Trump for President !
Nut house
sticck her in lockup and melt the key!
Big house in fact she should be planted under it.
Give it up… but she WILL stand before God Almighty, and it’s gonna be a very, VERY HOT ETERNITY. Problem is, personally, I NEED to see her in jail, while the gallows are being built !
The Big One, the one where she gets to wear the orange jumpsuit!
The big one. It’s coming .wait for it.
The big house. Although I personally would like to see her hanged into dead. #NEVERHILLARY #REMEMBERBENGHAZI #REMEMBERTHE4
Lock her fat$#%&!@*up.