Hillary Clinton is doing what she does best. She uses her status as a Clinton to evade one scandal, then finds herself in the midst of another right away. It may be the one thing she does better than her husband.
The former first lady may have escaped indictment for her use of a private email server, but in doing so she committed yet another federal crime. When James Comey announced that the FBI would not recommend charges against Clinton, he paired the announcement with a laundry list of lies that she had made to the American people during the investigation.
As it turns out, some of those lies were made while under oath.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because this is the very situation Bill Clinton found himself in after he lied to congress about his relationship with Monica Lewinski.
The Clintons can’t seem to keep their mouths shut. They’re handed every opportunity and immunity, then wind up back in trouble because they’ve learned nothing. And why would they? They get away free every time.
See the charges Hillary is facing on the next page:
Pure trash
Put her in jail for treason.
The BIG one!!!
“Intent” is not required for Gross negligence. Matter of fact, IF the FBI was able to prove “Intent” the charge would not have been gross Negligence but instead the charge would have been Espionage and Treason. If Hillary “Intended” for State secrets to be compromised, she would be guilty of Espionage and Treason. As it stands now, she is 100% definitively guilty of Gross negligence precisely because “Intent” was not there (or so Comey said). She’s above the law regardless. Our government is now 100% illegitimate no matter how you slice it! Comey and Lynch had her dead to rights and chose to do NOTHING. What makes any of us believe that even if they prove she lied to Congress they will prosecute her? Hasn’t the Justice Department already proven to you that Hillary is above the law and our Justice department is corrupt?
Awesome!!!! I’m copy pasting this everywhere. LOL
Big house with cells
Why isn’t this women in jail ?
Hell yes she lied. Every time she opens her mouth
The big house
Prison !!!!!!!!!!!