Ham sandwiches and sausage rolls may be banned rrom ofice kitchens for being ‘offensive’. Kitchens that are shared between office workers may soon be banned from storing pork products like sausage rolls over fears that they are “offensive”.
Now that you have seen that — read the article all the way to the end on the next page…you will like the conclusion:
Alcohol at work??? Who drinks at their work??? Sheesh can’t that wait til after work the rest is just plain stupid
No alcohol at work? Oh No.
Everyone vote for Mr.Trump he will clean them all out a here.
Vote trump send them all back.
Start bowing to the muslims!
Why are we giving into them this is still america
Rediculous! Americans love pork.
Deport all muslims to muslim countries. They are trained terrorists ( men, women, children ). Their koran teaches them it is ok to lie and kill to defeat the infidels. Islam is a violent cult, Not a religion. They are here to colonize and conquer. They will never assimilate. WAKE UP AMERICA! MUSLIMS ARE OUR ENEMIES. THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED. This is an example of their terrorist behavior.
The new Muslim’s rule for Americans to follow!
I would wipe down the door and fridge handles, put my feet in all the chairs and wipe down the tables with pork. That way, no musrat would dare set foot in there. I could then eat in peace.
This is AMERICA!!!!!