Ham sandwiches and sausage rolls may be banned rrom ofice kitchens for being ‘offensive’. Kitchens that are shared between office workers may soon be banned from storing pork products like sausage rolls over fears that they are “offensive”.
Now that you have seen that — read the article all the way to the end on the next page…you will like the conclusion:
Alcohol…yeah probably folks!
Ban Muslims at work and you won’t have to think about banning anything !
I want a job that I can drink alcohol at….
This Was America!!! If you don’t like Ham or it is against your savage religion DO NOT ORDER IT!!
Absolutely ridiculous
Not alcohol at work!!! What am I gonna do?
Go to HELL
F#ck , Jew’s kosher and Muslims Hallah meats
MUSLims are so afraid they will like the smell and eat some, they want it banned. Bull.