Ham sandwiches and sausage rolls may be banned rrom ofice kitchens for being ‘offensive’. Kitchens that are shared between office workers may soon be banned from storing pork products like sausage rolls over fears that they are “offensive”.
Now that you have seen that — read the article all the way to the end on the next page…you will like the conclusion:
send these people back to their country of origin….America will do just fine without them and all their bans.
sfrew sandrats
If we acted this way in there countries (ham sandwiches in the lunchroom fridge ect.) we would be publicly beaten and or worse..
junk food processed food sausage ham
Not me!
boycott businesses banning ham, saus, and alcohol, let go broke
Christian are not demanding foods be banned!
They are f-wor.d +ed!
Give me a break this STILL America i’ll eat what i want for lunch i am an adult i don’t want and don’t need you permission