Every year at Halloween time, one celebrity or politician becomes the “trend” in costume wearers. This year as the costume companies anticipate this year’s “big” culture costume–one that is trending according to the last 12 months of sensational news headlines, Caitlyn Jenner is the winner. But the blowback by liberals and touchy LBGTQ (lesbian-bi-sexual-gay-transgender-queer) community has led to a petition to have the costume banned.
What possible basis could such a petition have? Is the community trying do deny Jenner’s celebrity? Read on:
It was OK to mock and dress up like Kate (Gosselin) a few years ago, but this Cait is off limits? I don’t think so.
oh hell no its perfect.
‘She’ wanted and loves the limelight…They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…So be flattered ‘Caitlyn.’
is that jeff gordon or jimmy jhonson
Ha ha easy enough to make at home.
That is sooooooo funny. My sides hurt
forgot to add padded shorts