California liberals are it again, this time going after ammunition instead of guns.
In a new legislation called the “Safety for All Act of 2016” voters will be able to ban the possession of magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds and mandate that everybody in California get a “firearms purchaser certificate” in order to buy ammunition, which will not only cost up to $50.00 and take two months to get, it’ll also put you in a database for law enforcement.
See what else it entails on the next page.
Wanna bet? The danger is not guns it is californians!
Lmao…there’s always that one dumb mother fucker who brings up the Dixiecrats. Greg, let me help you. The democrats back then were the Republican Party of today. A bunch of dumb$#%&!@*southern hillbillies who hate people that aren’t white and straight. You may be confused if you think the Dixiecrats have any relevance to today’s Democratic Party. Or just seriously lacking an I.Q. above 10. Probably the latter. Go google latter…I’ll wait here. #derpyfuckingderp
Well screw off CA I would drive to near by states who have intelligence such as AZ and bulk buy ammo you are a bunch of ignorant democratic retards
When your governed by a Ding Dong what can you expect.
No way, just a gun grab, and how many gang members, illegals, and criminal elements are going to give up their arms? Only going to affect innocent people.
don’t worry soon it will fall into the ocean .
Its the liberal way. Something you dont like? Tax it into bankruptcy and spend the money to buy votes.
Shawn Balch Are there any “citizens” left in California?
Wow.. “Ding Dong?” What an intelligent couple of words.. If you can’t offer anything useful, it is best to say out of it. At least Bobbie Chupella Butz can give an intelligent point of view.
Will the last true American turn off the light when leaving and bring our U.S. Flag with them. California does not have the Right to belong to our Republic anymore.