California liberals are it again, this time going after ammunition instead of guns.
In a new legislation called the “Safety for All Act of 2016” voters will be able to ban the possession of magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds and mandate that everybody in California get a “firearms purchaser certificate” in order to buy ammunition, which will not only cost up to $50.00 and take two months to get, it’ll also put you in a database for law enforcement.
See what else it entails on the next page.
F**k California how the people In this state allowed this$#%&!@*to happen is beyond me .
Require the same thing for people buying bongs and drug paraphernalia
Nobody better comply to that b******t!
Registration does not lead to safety, registration leads to beaurocracy, beaurocracy leads to a loss of freedom, a loss of freedom leads to people who are not free, people who are not free are slaves of those who took their freedom, since they are not free to live their own lives they are in essence dead. Don’t be dead, keep your freedom, it is your respo,ability.
What do you expect from the Socialist State of California. Let’s just all quit our jobs, quit paying taxes and let this lovely state take or guns and our rights.i’m sure all they want to do is care of us….NOT!
Lee Joe blow Mitchell is a moron,
Stay out of California and don’t spend money their bankrupt the commi pricks
Doesn’t matter the Constitution supercedes the state constitution
Yes, but since when do liberals follow that old, antiquated, obsolete document, eh Komrade?!? Haha!
The fact that the U.S. constitution and Federal law supersedes state law is having quite a conundrum with anti gun laws, and marijuana laws…..crazy times we live in….some even say the end times….
You nailed it Ron. California needs to be its own liberal$#%&!@*pit where all the commies can live happily ever after with their illegal Mexican friends.