California liberals are it again, this time going after ammunition instead of guns.
In a new legislation called the “Safety for All Act of 2016” voters will be able to ban the possession of magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds and mandate that everybody in California get a “firearms purchaser certificate” in order to buy ammunition, which will not only cost up to $50.00 and take two months to get, it’ll also put you in a database for law enforcement.
See what else it entails on the next page.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
As far as I am concerned every USA citizen who comments things such as: screw California or any other state), I hope New Jersey and New York fall into the ocean, get out let the Commies have it etc is a traitor and in should know way be considered a Patriot; One who loves his country.
They cannot be counted on for they will only stand and fight when there is no place left to run and the battle has overtaken them, when it directly affects them. They have NO interest in preserving the rights of others and appear more interested in surrendering our United States to the Liberals one state at a time.
Patriots love their country as a whole. Not just the state they live in.
Finally. Some commenting who gets it.
Everybody saying screw California thinks it will end at California.
The fools appear willing to surrender this nation one state at a time.
Which state are we giving away next?
What part of “United” don’t you understand?
Do you really think it’s going to stop by giving the country away one state at a time???
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
As far as I am concerned every USA CITIZEN who comments things such as: screw California (or any other state), I hope California and New York fall into the ocean, get out let the Commies have it etc is a traitor and in should know way be considered a Patriot; One who loves his country. THEY HAVE BETRAYED THE TRUST OF OUR CITIZENS IN THESE STATES.
They cannot be counted on for they will only stand and fight when there is no place left to run and the battle has overtaken them, when it directly affects them.
They have no interest in preserving the rights of others and appear more interested in surrendering our United States to the Liberals one state at a time.
Patriots love their country as a whole. Not just the state they live in
Can’t fall in the ocean soon enough! Happy reloading, california. Rcbs has a great rebate program going on throught the rest of this year.
Come on Roger Cali is a cool place dude some weirdos but I know you would like it
The weirdos don’t bother me lol. It’s the so called “normal” people that run it, that I can’t stand. I loved visiting when I was a kid, Really cool people, and the climate was perfect, but live there? Never, I love my guns…..
The best part of prohibition is the booming black market that it creates when people say$#%&!@*the law in one voice.
When are the citizens of that state going to file a court action that takes this all the way to the Supremem Court? No state should get away with taking our guns away.
Makes you wonder when they will outlaw murdering people…
I’d live there in a heart beat if it wasn’t ridiculously expensive. I could careless about a gun so that law wouldn’t bother me. It’s a really cool looking state that changes scenery in an hour drive. I really like it there and the really have good educations there