California liberals are it again, this time going after ammunition instead of guns.
In a new legislation called the “Safety for All Act of 2016” voters will be able to ban the possession of magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds and mandate that everybody in California get a “firearms purchaser certificate” in order to buy ammunition, which will not only cost up to $50.00 and take two months to get, it’ll also put you in a database for law enforcement.
See what else it entails on the next page.
That’s how it works in Connecticut…just drive over the border to RI or up to Maine… Got a drivers license you can buy ammo
F**k CA. And$#%&!@*those who disobey the United States Constitution. We the people have the biggest army in the country. Not the feds not hussein obama not hellary$#%&!@*face clinton… STAND YOUR GROUND!!!
There you have dam liberal no education notheing o do but wait tell you see are guns comming after you so shut up
Funny how people can chant death to America people want to import thdm and others will just walk right into Anerica … if you want to stop that … its not American … thats not who we are. When it comes to the 2nd amendment its not fear but common sense to force someone who is not guilty of a crime that hasnt happened yet prove their innocence…. in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty. The left hates America.
They end up flooding Montana and cause the price of real estate to go up and want clean air to breathe.
William…I hear ya. They move up here to Oregon to. They move up here to get away from all their stupid laws and then want to change our laws to be more like what they left…I don’t get it!!!
Glad I moved to gun friendly state!
What guns?$#%&!@*off. I’m sure the Crips & Bloods are lining up to register their guns. You people are so fucking stupid.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
As far as I am concerned every USA citizen who comments things such as: screw California or any other state), I hope New Jersey and New York fall into the ocean, get out let the Commies have it etc is a traitor and in should know way be considered a Patriot; One who loves his country.
They cannot be counted on for they will only stand and fight when there is no place left to run and the battle has overtaken them, when it directly affects them. They have NO interest in preserving the rights of others and appear more interested in surrendering our United States to the Liberals one state at a time.
Patriots love their country as a whole. Not just the state they live in.
Why should anybody have to move to enjoy their constitutional rights? Do we request them to move simply because it’s more convenient for us then standing up for them?
Do we simply hand over this nation to the Liberals one state at a time?
Do we encourage desertion and dereliction of duty? The cut and run mentality needs to end before our kids have nowhere to run to.
You can run but the battle for our constitutional rights will always follow.
The apathetic “just move” mentality is going to kill the 2nd Amendment and leave our children with no guarantee of freedom.