While conservatives were jubilant at the results of the election, liberals have reacted absolutely hysterically to the fact that Donald Trump is on his way to the White House.
Already, we are witnessing a political polarity shift, but not just in the sense of the Republican Party being turned inside out by Trump’s triumph. After 8 years of rationalizing each and every excess committed by President Obama and smearing Republicans as violent bigots guilty of treason, Democrats are suddenly rediscovering the value of dissent. Within a week, they went from demanding that the president be able to do whatever he wants to warning about the dangers of power being concentrated in the hands of one man.
At first, it appeared to be just the typical liberal reaction to a Republican winning an election, but after a couple days, it became abundantly clear that there is something running much deeper through the left than even the sharpest conservatives previously thought.
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No objection.
same here stuck in$#%&!@*vill in south central all these mothers are brain wash and now they are brain washing my nephews too, its a big problem we need major help! A CIVIL WAR IS NEEDED TO CLEAN UP THE COUNTRY OF PUSSIES!
Californians are looking at an$#%&!@*whipping by US feds and they will say yes sir and no sir to President Donald Trump if it requires martial law. U. S. military has a lot more firepower than a bunch of extremely liberal pervs!!
Ronald Reagan said it the best. “Sometimes you have to let you feet do your voting”
See ya!
The American constitution is not correct, it will destroy The country why? Because freedom is not licenciuosness or do whatever you want, America is under a big change of people and therefore culture and values, it’s been controled by power people who wants one gov, one currency, one religion, but first they habe to get America softer, and disarm its people, the country was a country when it wasn’t a “melting pot” a country with people who reproduct themselfs like it’s nothing is wrong, mexicans and muslims, chinese and the rest will become the majority of America with the excuse of “freedom” and the ” constitution” It’s true, if you arw smart, by 2040 America will turn into mexico, a lot of whites will love to move to canada, but it goes thay way by 2090, the world will be a mess, the few whites left won’t have families, they wouldn’t have them in a country where there is a chaos, rapits,,corruption, etc it will be the end of America if someone does not change that constitution, America is a not a country, doesn’t work like one, and everybody can drop a baby and get rights, you don’t feel it now because it’s not a brown country yet, but go to india and live like one and then you will feel what your granchildren will
And water rights!
Eileen Penny Feldmann the problem has always been,we’re outnumbered. Libs are screwing up our beautiful state. Brown wants the Latinos and illegals here because they’re his voter base. The only hope we have is if illegals are deported, and voter IDs are imposed.
Yeah, all your dams will break and your bridges fall down, oh, wait, they just DID. Well you’ll have your big hole Moonbeam is digging!
Make my day!!! Just so long as you take Boxter and Pelosi with you.