While conservatives were jubilant at the results of the election, liberals have reacted absolutely hysterically to the fact that Donald Trump is on his way to the White House.
Already, we are witnessing a political polarity shift, but not just in the sense of the Republican Party being turned inside out by Trump’s triumph. After 8 years of rationalizing each and every excess committed by President Obama and smearing Republicans as violent bigots guilty of treason, Democrats are suddenly rediscovering the value of dissent. Within a week, they went from demanding that the president be able to do whatever he wants to warning about the dangers of power being concentrated in the hands of one man.
At first, it appeared to be just the typical liberal reaction to a Republican winning an election, but after a couple days, it became abundantly clear that there is something running much deeper through the left than even the sharpest conservatives previously thought.
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Does this mean that we have to make the wall go along the eastern edge of callifornia and around the top? I’m not really against it but it’s going to be a lot more work.
Yeah we should spend more time thinking about california… seems like California is kind an attention whore…
Before California as a whole secedes, the conservative north wants to secede from the rest, and form the State of Jefferson, combined with southern Oregon, (also conservative).
I’m conservative northern Californian. I want it back from libs.
Well…what do you do??? Protest? Get rid of “Moonbeam”? Stop paying California taxes until your voice is heard??? I say ALL OF THE ABOVE! I LOVE CALIFORNIA…Born and raised there…Praying for a positive outcome❤❤❤
BYE BYE, Jerry !! Think you are in a HOLE now, just wait ?? HaHa
Total stupidity…but then, look at who’s in charge of the asylum.
again still some more leave Northern California out of it
The south can fall off into the ocean and float off, leave Nor-Cal as State of Jefferson!
I think it’s a great idea!