While conservatives were jubilant at the results of the election, liberals have reacted absolutely hysterically to the fact that Donald Trump is on his way to the White House.
Already, we are witnessing a political polarity shift, but not just in the sense of the Republican Party being turned inside out by Trump’s triumph. After 8 years of rationalizing each and every excess committed by President Obama and smearing Republicans as violent bigots guilty of treason, Democrats are suddenly rediscovering the value of dissent. Within a week, they went from demanding that the president be able to do whatever he wants to warning about the dangers of power being concentrated in the hands of one man.
At first, it appeared to be just the typical liberal reaction to a Republican winning an election, but after a couple days, it became abundantly clear that there is something running much deeper through the left than even the sharpest conservatives previously thought.
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Seceding good and all federal funding cutoff also, adios
Budget deficit of over a hundred billion, despite an influx a roughly a billion by the federal government. What’s a hundred billion plus a hundred billion? #morons
Well hell, might as well if Scientists are correct California is going to secede one way or the other! They can do it or wait till God does it! Or Mother Nature whichever you prefer!
If you secede from the republic, just remember that you will not received any federal funds for anything because you will not be part of the USA anymore and you can’t entered the USA illegally either, you will no longer be Americans if you stay in California and also there will be any help when and if NORTH KOREA bombs you with their nuclear missles, you are on your own because you have chosen to become your own nation!! REMEMBER ALL OF THIS IF YOU CAN SECEDE THAT IS!!
Stupidest thing I have heard!
Sure hope they can get someone in office there that will protect them and spend the money wisely. Otherwise, they will just rolll over and become Communists like Cuba and Venezala has.
Do it! Break away! Let Jerry brown and Feinstein lead the charge. It’ll last for 10-15 minutes, and will cease as soon as the Feds withdraw their $$$. And jerry’s stupid idea to withhold $$$ from the Feds, just try it Jerry and may you end up in a PC federal prison!
Only the incompetent ones like those that voted for Killery and Jerry.
Those of us with actual brains and common sense say no way !!!
Poor California’s have idiots in public office