While conservatives were jubilant at the results of the election, liberals have reacted absolutely hysterically to the fact that Donald Trump is on his way to the White House.
Already, we are witnessing a political polarity shift, but not just in the sense of the Republican Party being turned inside out by Trump’s triumph. After 8 years of rationalizing each and every excess committed by President Obama and smearing Republicans as violent bigots guilty of treason, Democrats are suddenly rediscovering the value of dissent. Within a week, they went from demanding that the president be able to do whatever he wants to warning about the dangers of power being concentrated in the hands of one man.
At first, it appeared to be just the typical liberal reaction to a Republican winning an election, but after a couple days, it became abundantly clear that there is something running much deeper through the left than even the sharpest conservatives previously thought.
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whoo hoo…glad to see the back side of them…no monay either
Sounds like a good thing to me. All those Hollywood its that think they are elite, just remember we will continue that wall on your eastern border and across Oregon, and you will be excluded from entering our country. We do not need or want you.
Good riddance
Lmfao !!! These idiots have no idea what that would entail !!! But then again they just MIGHT get the states to approve it just to get the liberals out of America !!!!
This whole secessionist thing has been batted about for 40 years it’s not going to happen
Who would support them?
This craps been circulating for 40 years it isn’t happening
Have these people, who are promoting this, thought through what a successful secession would mean?
Go ahead and see how you do without federal funding….