Californians will now have to pay more taxes so that illegal immigrants will have low cost auto insurance. Money that is suppose to go towards education and infrastructure for those living in California legally is going to be used to subsidize car insurance for those here illegally.
See Page 2:
Immigration “Synagogue of Satan” by Andrew Carrington Hitch$#%&!@*, pp.175-176
Please ensure widest distribution.
Due to friction between different races in Britain, the Race Relations Act of 1965 is introduced into parliament by then, Attorney General, Russian Jew, Frank Soskice. This act make racial discrimination unlawful in public places. Introduction of different races into different countries is the Jews’most effective form of warfare yet, against the Western World, and is known as the “Silent War,” which has taken place at various times [during] this century, primarily in the United States and [in] the United Kingdom.
This is generally done under the pretext of needing other races to fill a gap in the labor market in that country (although, of course, in America, Jews brought Africans into the country to sell as slaves), whilst the electorate of the countries concerned are never asked whether they want immigration into their country. (Note: The Rothschilds alone had, at one time, not fewer than 15 slave ships during slavery’s peak.) The Jews support immigration into countries for the following reasons:
1.) In accordance with their most holy book, the Talmud, Jews see the world population as consisting of Jews and non-Jews, (also know as goy, goyim, and gentiles). Note: Goy or goyim also carries with it the double meaning “cattle.” The only possible end of immigration is the destruction of all races as they interbreed with one another and form one single race. That race will be the non-Jews.
2.) The Jews have always wanted a World Government, which co-incidentally, they will control. By mixing up all [of] the races into different countries, they can argue that s every country in the world now consists of many different races, national boundaries are now obsolete and should be replaced with a single World Government.
3.) The Jews are fully aware of the danger [that] a cohesive native population is to their dreams of a Jewish World Government, having had the experience of being kicked out of so many countries several times in history due to the natural reaction of a cohesive population against their evil and exploitative actions there.
The introduction of people foreign to a country as citizens removes the threat of the native peoples acting as a single cohesive unit. This is because the different cultures and customs of both peoples, are hard for either people to accept. Whilst these two groups of people are pre-occupied sorting this out, the Jews have the benefit of invisibility to carry on as they please without question.
They only ever seem to declare their race when they speak of the great benefits of diversity, and anyone who doesn’t agree must be a “racist” or a “hater.” Yet, the plan [which] they are promoting will result in the ethnic cleansing of specific racial types which have been on the planet for thousands of years, which they do not regard as racist or hateful.
Interestingly, the Jewish owned media throughout the world will promote diversity or political-correctness, whilst at the same time promoting the apartheid state of Israel, the only state in the world where you have to be of a particular race to emigrate. Yes, you have to be biologically Jewish to be able to emigrate there, and it is (legally) for a Jew to marry a non-Jew.
The politicians in California should be tried for treason – aiding the invading force of illegals.
hahaha try to get that for americans our yourself stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111
If Illegal hence name illegal, Wtf ?
Of course.
Rediculous so now tax paying citizens are to reqwArd illegals with car insurance when they shouyldnt even be driving in our country as illegals. Cut off funds to California.
Another financial burden on hard working Americans .
This is freaken ridiculous. Go home and stay, we don’t want you.
I’m against illegals period. If you want to come here the legal way that’s fine, but to give illegals rights and beneifits is wrong plain and simple. Any other country in the world would arrest or deport illegals to their country.