Californians will now have to pay more taxes so that illegal immigrants will have low cost auto insurance. Money that is suppose to go towards education and infrastructure for those living in California legally is going to be used to subsidize car insurance for those here illegally.
See Page 2:
Those Politicians do care what happens to California,they destroyed That State long before now,they just want to keep Obama in office,that’s the incentive
This is so wrong.
Another great idea from Moonbeam guess what Californias taxpayers you are footing the bill for everything for illegals time to pop your head out of your b utt and get rid of the Liberal Democrats that have ruined that once great state
Not good
MOVE out of this state.
What are the facts, Finn?
Most of them drive without insurance so why should the state pay for it. The state allows them to get away with driving without insurance and many are hurt and killed and no one pays the bills from these so called accidents…I call them on purposes.
I am against paying for their insurance and other living expenses!
CALIFORNIA should fall in the ocean sooner the better