Californians will now have to pay more taxes so that illegal immigrants will have low cost auto insurance. Money that is suppose to go towards education and infrastructure for those living in California legally is going to be used to subsidize car insurance for those here illegally.
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Lord have Mercy. Just give them the whole country. Oh wait,,,,, our government did, , , never mind…
California is nearly broke with all these illegals and their own worthless government
another wrong
And when California goes bankrupt from all this largess, will they ask for a bail out?
No ducking way!!!
maybe this is why God is burning Calif
So kids pay the highest rates and can read all the road signs yet if you cant read road signs you arent a high risk driver?The gov makes millions off them. Most illegal’s have expired visa’s but pay taxes their employer takes out, but they never file claims to get any extra back. So the IRS keeps all extra.
How about we give them a free ride back to the border. They can come back through legal channels as long as they are not criminals.
Wtf obama